nie mylolilolie fish..klik.klik.ntuk bg fish makan :)

Friday, October 28, 2011


During a text message conversation:
Him: I Love You ?
Her: ILoveYouToo ?
Him: Something wrong with your space bar ?
Her: No, There's just no space for me to love anyone else?
sweet kan couple tuh . hehe
xtually yaya gelak sorang2 bila bace story tuh . 
nak tau nape ? hmm . oke jom yaya story .
suatu mase dulu yaya sndiri penah alami situasi tuh . 
tp yaya kt tempat "him" . time tuh punye lar berbunga2 aty . 
sweet lar konon . bila ingat balik,lawak lar plak . biase lar cinta monyet .
hah . smpai sini je ntuk kali nie . tata~

sudah baca kalau suka rajin-rajin lar click button LIKE

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