nie mylolilolie fish..klik.klik.ntuk bg fish makan :)

Sunday, January 16, 2011 life..

i'm not sure why i started this journey in the blogger world...
while my life is not so interesting to tell the world...
however, i think that my teenage life is actually more challenging than what i ever thought...

but for me, life isn't about finding ourself but it's about creating ourself...
it's about trusting our feeling, taking and giving chances, losing and finding happiness, appreciating the memories and learning from the past...

in my life, i have person can make me
happy, sad, wonderful, great, funny, stupid, smart...
they taught me about love, hate, sacrifice...
so that, they means everything to me...
I LOVE my life!

sudah baca kalau suka rajin-rajin lar click button LIKE

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